Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Myth

I have to dispell a bullshit myth. Here's the bullshit myth: ST. LOUIS DOES NOT SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC. Again, that is a bullshit myth. I've performed in front of packed crowds here at home where there were no national or out of town performers. I've managed to take music seriously and put out an acclaimed project available here: and I've been applauded for having a dope live show by people I don't know. This isn't about me however. It's about this dumbass lazy myth. See, my friends that bust their asses like I do and handle professional business are supported by St. Louis. The only people that say there is no support here are the people that WANT to rap but won't take the steps to be taken seriously. They don't perform and if they do, they aren't entertaining. They don't do legwork in the street and don't politic with fans and artists that are making moves. Take for instance the July 20 show at The Old Rock House. There were no out of town performers but it was packed. Murphy Lee has platinum plaques and a Grammy but he's one of us. He's St. Louis just like us. Miss me with Lunatic slander and Nelly not putting people on. I'm tired of people saying he's obligated to do that shit. Rick Ross is putting people on that he feels can sell. His obligation isn't putting South Florida on. SLUMFest, the local underground music fest was stuuuuupid packed! I got snubbed to perform but I went to support my friends that were performing and I'm glad they were happy to see me. I was glad I saw them perform. Honestly, most of these rapping-ass mofos that cry about not getting support need to get off their ass and do work. Either that or quit. St. Louis doesn't owe anyone shit. Any respect you earn is that: EARNED. Nobody owes me anything. Any sales, downloads, shows, merchandise, airplay or whatever benefits I receive are results of hard work and respecting this shit. Praise God. Moolah. #TeamVoltron #everybodywins - PS check me out at Cicero's August 12 at 9:00 pm. Peace!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I'm trying green font on my blog. Get over it. This is a non-music promtional blog but I'll be remiss if I didn't say I'm performing at Cicero's Friday August 12. Now, back to the matter at hand. I am not THEM. THEM are those guys that'll try to smash (smush, tap, poke, cut, stab - see how sexual euphamisms carry a violent theme?) anything over 18 with a vagina that can talk and walk. I'm not them. I'm not thirsty. I won't tell a woman any and everything to have sex with her. I'm also not going to listen to them bash the men in their past and act out their issues on me. I'm not them. I used to have the patience for that shit but I've since become way businer and more focused on a venture called being a professional musician. I also don't have the time or the desire to mess with any woman with a decent smile or a fat ass + nice boobs. They're good to look at but after a while, it's just decoration for a really fucked up woman. I have some kind of standards. I haven't been out socially in months. Anytime I go out now it's usually to handle business or see a show, a lot of times both. There are women at these places, nice-looking ones, ratchet ones and some that are looking for attention. Some time ago when I was unfocused about doing something with my life, I was enjoying single life. Now I enjoy the company of someone special and she seems to tolerate my sinuses while I talk shit about her smoking. Back to THEM. These cats are always in the same club week after week with the same drama-filled basic ass females. It's insanity: going to the same clubs seeing the same people and some of those people recycling the same outfits expecting different results. (SIGH) A lot of times I would even relieve some of these guys of these femails. They didn't know what they were doing with them and they'd get dumb aggie about it. Now with music and knowing the who's who and all that shit, I can't be out here whoring. So it's shows, studio flow, laundry and chilling with that special someone because she isn't like THEM and she likes me because I'm not THEM either. Peace, hair grease and Hennessey no ice. #pow

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Props vs Profits

I love The Gramophone. I don't own the place and I don't have stock in it but I love the place. I feel at home there and many of my fellow musicians in St. Louis feel the same. The homeboy Rocky said it's like the place Prince played all the time in Minneapolis. I feel the same way. I wasn't around the hip-hop scene as a major contributor during the "Hi-Pointe Days". I was more into other capital ventures even though my crew was killing it weekly at The Evening Shade. People here in St. Louis refer to 1999-2007 as the local Golden Era. I did music and had a plan but we were more in the streets then. Now for me it's about being a dope emcee as well as a competent businessman. Some people just want to rap and that's cool. I'm still working with a street mentality to make money except I do music 100% with more dedication. I could always craft complex rhymes and come up with real songs. I needed to capitalize more off my efforts. This is why we have paperwork. I just returned from Indianapolis where I performed at a seminar with people not from St. Louis. I represented well and those that saw me perform were entertained. I asked questions of industry vets and have some new contacts to work with. I have mixtape placements and shows coming up. Now the plan goes to another gear to make more money off the reputation I have more capitalistic opportunities based on my business and music reputation. It's happening so I just keep working. I get props for being professional at what I do. Now it's a matter of making more money with it. How does The Gramophone play into this? The Gramophone will host national to local artists that kill it on stage so it's taught me to kill it everytime I perform, even when I'm not at The Gramophone. Trust me. I KILL my performances. See me August 12 at Cicero's in the U-City Loop in St. Louis to see for yourself. Peace. Praise God. Moolah.