Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The Venitians
This is not a post about blinds. It's about women. Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars...get the fuck outta here. Women and men are different but women are different in their experiences, approaches and feelings. You have your super-sensitive women that would not hurt a fly and you have your uber-bitches that feel domination is the only way to live. Now, for me to call all women one thing and generalize is asinine. I am going to merely post about women in my experience. I've been technically single since December 2007. Now, somebody (a fool out their rabbit-ass mind) may think one needs a girlfriend to get pussy. (I'm grown and this is MY BLOG, get over it) That is totally wrong. Since I have been single, I have not had to try very hard to get pussy. Getting pussy is not my ultimate goal. Getting to know a woman I'm attracted to is. Now, if they choose to use their grown mind and offer some pussy then yes, I'll take it on MOST occasions. If that pussy impedes progress in my lifestyle (my moolah either making or spending) then I will kindly pass for the next pussy. I have not coerced women to have sex with me. I don't have to. I don't even have to chase women as some men do. What I mean by chasing women is doing whatever that woman says in order to keep her happy even if it makes that man broke and unhappy. Some women use the pussy as a bargaining tool. (see Chris Rock HBO special 2008 Kill The Messenger or some shit like that) I don't have to play those games because I know I'm a rare commodity: I'm over 25, I have no kids, I'm a Black Male with a college degree, I live alone and I own reliable transportation. I also dress decent and have musical talent. I'm able to support myself. That is all a blessing and I thank my Lord & Savior for this life. Because of those traits I've encountered women that think because I'm single and I like them, I'm automatically inclined to be their significant other. Then I remind them unless otherwise discussed and agreed upon entering a mongamous relationship that I AM SINGLE. Being single doesn't suck. I can go shoot pool til the wee hours and not have to worry about anyone bitching about how late I stayed out and who I was with. I've had psuedo girlfriends, most recently as of two months ago. This psuedo girlfriend, let's call her SHARONICA or RONICA for short. Ronica is very pretty, has her own hair, likes most of the same music I do, is articulate, has a full time job, her own place and car along with a pre-teen daughter. I could take Ronica anywhere and she'd be cool around my people. On top of that Ronica has a donk. I'm an ass man so Ronica having a donk was a nice bonus. Now, the problem I had with Ronica is that she wanted the girlfriend benefits without the girlfriend responsibilities. For example, she was two hours late for my birthday when I invited her out with friends. I could've flipped out on her but I didn't. I put it in my hat for later. I got hungover on my birthday, she got lost coming to my house and she wasn't happy with me. I got over her not wanting to talk anymore. A couple days later, she called me and we talked. I told her I was more interested in her than the mind-blowing sex we had. Her birthday is a month apart from mine so I bought her a dozen roses, took her to dinner and she was happy. A couple days later I had an event to go to on The East Side. She went out with her cousin, got drunk and drove her ass from U-City to East St. Louis. Not cool. Instead of building with people I needed for business and a damn good time drinking Rose` that night, I took her ass home. I was pissed but seeing as I wanted to be with her, it was an obligation. The next morning at her house I'm watching ESPN and she throws out, "I want some pancakes." I go, "Ok" and keep watching ESPN. Then she comes back like, "Are we going to get pancakes?". I was like, "What?" I previously told Ronica to ask me direct questions if she wanted something from me. She took her saying she wanted pancakes as I should stop what I'm doing to take her ass to get pancakes. I took at is a blanket statement, a declaration. So I asked her, "Well, are you gonna cook some pancakes?" She's like, "Whatever, Ducky". Now she's all pissy a day after I prevented her from getting a DUI because she was BLASTED drunk. Long story short, she wanted to go to IHOP. I'm not an IHOP fan so I wanted to go to Uncle Bill's. Now, she agreed to go since we had to go near my place anyway. After brunch or whatever she's like she feels something is off. That should've been my first clue. I told her everything was cool and went home. Then she had a thing about me starting her car for her in the morning when I slept at her place. 1, she knows I'm not a morning person and she is. 2, I've never heard of such shit. 3, I thought she was goosing. I made her bed more often than she did before I left. I opened doors and pulled out chairs for her. She was selfish. She made it like I was the bad guy when I kept telling her that I wanted to be in a relationship with her. The problem was she was used to running her relationships. I dumped her when she gave lame excuses for missing one of my shows to go out with her same loose-ass cousin. She would say it wasn't working and I'd say it was but this last time I told her she was right and there was no point in me dating her anymore. She was dumbfounded. I told her we were better off as "FRIENDS". She said we couldn't be friends because we have sex. I told her I wasn't interested in sex anymore, especially since I met someone that didn't ask as much with no return. Ronica was a done doodle so she had to go. There was the one girl I worked with that thought she was an exception because she's a white girl with a Double D set and a fat ass. I had to inform her that in St. Louis a lot of those run around so she wasn't as special as she thought. She was used to running relationships too so she had to go once she contradicted herself one too many times. There was the girl that couldn't get over her baby-daddy issues to give me a straight answer as to why I couldn't take her out. Where the fuck they do that at? There was the married woman that loved to have sex and go home to her miserable married life. There's the chick who didn't have her own place or her situation straight but wanted to tell me how to keep my place. She also didn't want me having sex with anyone. I told her she was on some shit I better not get my hands on or it's hustlemania out here. She wanted the relationship where I move out of my place and move into another place with her. I told her that was an ideal situation so obviously that is not going to work with her. There was the chick that didn't give head but expected me to knock her back out. Bitch, you lost your marbles. There was my ex back in 2007 that told me she wanted to be with her son's father but called me three days later saying she made a mistake. I told her she did and I didn't want to have shit to do with her anymore. There's the coworker that says she likes me but can never tell me what she likes about me despite me being an asshole in her eyes. She's 36. Get the fuck outta here. My other psuedo ex is a smarty-art with a doctorate. Yes, and she's older than me with her own house. I met her when she was estranged from her husband. She wanted to jump in a relationship despite all her issues and my "nefarious activities" with characters. I was wild back then but still cerebral. We went on for 18 months. She could cook, clean, and all that but she was too opinionated to the point it irritated the fuck outta me. I had to leave her alone when I took a high-pressure sales job with one of the biggest telecommunications companies in the world. Anyway, I've had my fair share of women and I am not opposed to being in a relationship, a real relationship where I'm happy. It just has to be the right relationship and not just a pretty girl that thinks they got me because they have some "good-good". In the words of John Witherspoon from Boomerang: "Don't get pussy-whipped! Whip that pussy! Bang-Bang-Bang-Bang!" Those wise words have kept me out of having baby-mama drama and all that other bullshit with bad real relationships other cats get trapped in. Also, my dad told me women will trap you if you let them. He's been happily married over 20-something years and faithful to my doll of a step-mother, real shit. So, once the right woman comes along and we can stand each other to be in a happy relationship, I'm off being single. Until then, BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! - Moolah
Sunday, March 27, 2011
This Ish Right Heeeerrreee!!!
Right now I'm sitting in a library in Frontenac watching The Show on YouTube and shit like that. It brings me back to what Hip-Hop was when I was younger. This isn't about how people say Hip-Hop was better back then. There were corny mufuckas back then just like it is now. It was just a must that the best of the best went hard at their craft. They also talked about how fucked up the "Rap Industry" is. It seems like most Hip-Hop docs with show footage and performance footage sees even the top dogs complaining about the same shit: labels fuck up, management be on some bullshit, other artists are liars and the same shit going on. The difference is they persevered and made it to the top of "The Game". I fucking hate that term. people say they the hottest in "The Game" and all that bullshit. With the money, time, energy, effort and heart put into this shit it is not a fucking game. It's serious shit and some of us take it more seriously than others because for some, it's all they have. Luckily for me I have a college degree and a nice resume as well as some street knowledge but I take this shit seriously. For some of us it's life and death trying to make it in the Hip-Hop Music Industry as either a performer, producer, manager, videographer or whatnot. Sometimes peoples' feelings get hurt because they feel slighted or money situations are fucked over but that's common shit in "The Game". I invest a lot in it because I love it and I'm serious about it. The people I deal with, friends and/or business associates are serious about it to so that's what it is. - Moolah
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